The Role of Fences in a Layered Perimeter Security Strategy
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The Role of Fences in a Layered Perimeter Security Strategy

Jan 28, 2021Blog

Farms, prisons, stadiums, and industrial complexes all have one thing in common – the need to respond to rising security challenges. Fences do not enjoy the same attention as high tech measures such as network cameras and intruder detection systems. Just think about it, why are we spending so much money on internal security? Is it not better to deny access to criminals in the first place? 

Fences are an affordable investment in outdoor security that add barriers such as scale, time and distance to your security strategy. Security cameras and detection equipment complements are a secondary layer that helps to locate and visualize the intrusion.

Security professionals advocate for a layered approach to security. This approach harks back to medieval times when castles were built on a hill, surrounded by a moat, had thick castle walls and a robust main door. 

Moats and mountains may not be feasible in this day and age, but a concrete fence with clear warning signs is a good step towards deterring intruders. From a psychological perspective, when passersby encounter a wall, it tells them that the fenced-off area is off-limits and should avoid entering the site. Cameras and alarms may alert you of a breach, but fences keep out intruders in the first instance. 

At Van Schoor, we have more than a century of experience helping farmers and companies secure their perimeters. We are more than happy to share this knowledge with you on your journey to a solid perimeter security strategy.