Sheep Clamp and Tilt - Vanschoorgate
Durable, affordable, dependable

4 Van Schoor Street, Philadelpia

+27 21 972 1614 or +27 64 789 3660

Sheep Clamp and Tilt

Our clamp and tilt is designed to ease work on the lower parts of the sheep or work that requires the sheep to lie on its back. A clamp action secures the animal before simply rotating to the other side of the crate. The top part (height) is height adjustable as well as the width of the clamp gate/bucket.

Animal flow is controlled by front and back sliding gates. There are also linking brackets for your sheep hurdles.

Dual purpose: The clamp action is effective enough to be used as a sheep clamp only if required

The crate has a bigger than normal footprint, which makes it very sturdy while working.

Designed and built to last

Price Request

Length: 1500mm

Width: 950mm

Height: 1100mm

Hot dipped galvanized

Product code: 4020823